Milbourne Methodist Church


Milbourne Village
NE20 0EA


Take the A696 through Ponteland for approx. 3 miles until you reach the signpost for Milbourne; take this left turn and travel for approx 1/2 mile; the chapel is at the bottom of the hill.

Milbourne Methodist Church

Latest comments

14.01 | 00:19

We hand back to God Alistair, a lovely christian gentleman and never afraid to speak up and often said what people would be thinking. Always genuine and profound.
Rest in peace and rise in glory.

14.01 | 00:14

Thank you Colin for your composition of your own hymns it is always enjoyable to sing them.

21.11 | 03:20

Faith in action, a warm loving Christian community always ready and willing to serve in the love of their Saviour

30.03 | 11:24

Thanks for all the welcoming care and loving action we have received and continue to receive from the lovely people at this church.

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