A little bit of history
The foundation stones of our chapel were laid in June 1903, and on 3rd October of the same year, our chapel was opened for worship. An exerpt from The Methodist Recorder 1908/1909, states, "within the last six years, Milbourne Methodists have left the barn which served them for years as a school-chapel, and they now worship in as daintily constructed a building as Methodists could desire". All these years later, our lovely rural chapel continues to serve us well, and we have a strong sense of being a 'church family'.
Our hearts are open to God, and our arms are open to anyone who wishes to join us.
Latest comments
14.01 | 00:19
We hand back to God Alistair, a lovely christian gentleman and never afraid to speak up and often said what people would be thinking. Always genuine and profound.
Rest in peace and rise in glory.
14.01 | 00:14
Thank you Colin for your composition of your own hymns it is always enjoyable to sing them.
21.11 | 03:20
Faith in action, a warm loving Christian community always ready and willing to serve in the love of their Saviour
30.03 | 11:24
Thanks for all the welcoming care and loving action we have received and continue to receive from the lovely people at this church.