Milbourne Methodist Church

Donating to a foodbank can change someone's life

This boy has just finished school; he is wondering how many cakes his mum will allow him to have tonight.

This boy has just finished school; he is wondering if his mum will have food for them tonight.

Some families have more than enough, some families have just enough, and some families have nothing.  By making the simple gesture of donating one, or several items to the foodbank, we can make a real difference to those who have nothing. 

Helping those in need, is one of the major themes of the ministry of Jesus, and even our smallest actions are a way of extending the love of God to those around us.

You can find out more about the foodbank at

Latest comments

14.01 | 00:19

We hand back to God Alistair, a lovely christian gentleman and never afraid to speak up and often said what people would be thinking. Always genuine and profound.
Rest in peace and rise in glory.

14.01 | 00:14

Thank you Colin for your composition of your own hymns it is always enjoyable to sing them.

21.11 | 03:20

Faith in action, a warm loving Christian community always ready and willing to serve in the love of their Saviour

30.03 | 11:24

Thanks for all the welcoming care and loving action we have received and continue to receive from the lovely people at this church.

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