Milbourne Methodist Church

Sunday Service

We gather together in the chapel every Sunday evening at 6:30pm, to worship our wonderful Lord.

Bible study & fellowship meeting

We gather together in the chapel, at 7:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month to learn more from our Bibles.  

House Group

The last Wednesday of every month, will find some of our members gathered together, to explore how the Gospel affects us in the 21st Century.  The group is generally quite small, and we meet in a very friendly and comfortable atmosphere, by rotation at the homes of some of the members. The general format is that we watch a DVD, followed by a group discussion on various aspects of what we have seen; this generally provokes a good deal of discussion, and allows us to concentrate on issues which we might not otherwise consider.   

Latest comments

14.01 | 00:19

We hand back to God Alistair, a lovely christian gentleman and never afraid to speak up and often said what people would be thinking. Always genuine and profound.
Rest in peace and rise in glory.

14.01 | 00:14

Thank you Colin for your composition of your own hymns it is always enjoyable to sing them.

21.11 | 03:20

Faith in action, a warm loving Christian community always ready and willing to serve in the love of their Saviour

30.03 | 11:24

Thanks for all the welcoming care and loving action we have received and continue to receive from the lovely people at this church.

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